Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Channelling mediumistic: Encyclopedia - Channelling mediumistic

Channelling (mediumistic)
Channelling or channeling is the alleged communication of information to or through a physically embodied human being (the channel or medium), from a spirit or other supernatural entity outside the mind (or self) of the channel.
Channelling is part of the belief systems and rituals of many religions, such as shamanism, Candomblé, Voodoo, Kardecism, Umbanda, and more.
Channelling mediumistic - General
Research of articles by channellers has shown they allegedly have channelled ascended masters like Buddha, Jesus, or St. Germain.; people that have passed away; angels; and higher dimensional beings. Channelling is a popular source of revealed teachings in some New Age groups. Well known channellers like Diandra (Salem), Edgar Cayce, Esther Hicks (Abraham), Jane Roberts (Seth), and Lee Carol (Kryon) have volumes of teachings on angels, chakras, higher dimensions, future predictions, manifestation, meditation, non-judgment, now moment, past lives, and spirituality.
It is said there are two types of channelling using the spoken word. Conscious voice channelling and trance channelling. Conscious voice channelling is when the channeller calms their mind down and connects to the energy of the source being channeled. The source uses the vocabulary of the channeller to speak through them. The channeller usually has their eyes closed and is conscious of the room and what is being said but they are allowing the source to speak through them by calming their mind. Trance channelling is when the channeller does not want to become one with the energy of the source being channelled through them. A trance channeller therefore through meditation has their consciousness leave their body and the source consciousness enters it. Observers will notice the channeller's voice change when the transition is complete. This is not related to multiple personalities. The trance channeller makes a freewill choice for their consciousness to reconnect with their physical body. Trance channelling uses the same dynamics as astral travel.
The definition of channelling has not yet reached a consensus. Some constrict the definition to a narrow band of behavior and experience, while others see it as including almost any information-processing of an apparently self-transcending nature. For example,
Channelling mediumistic - Channelling Definition
The divine, inspired words (or energy) of God as imparted to Humans by Humans.
The above definition is what channelling actually IS. That means that not only were most of the sacred scriptures of the planet (all religions) channelled originally, but also much artwork and music too! It is absolutely commonplace, but like so many other re-emerging processes in the New Age, it has a stigma about it that is strange. God did not write the Bible... Humans did, while divinely inspired. by Lee Carol
The above definition, however, excludes all conscious and assorted altered states such as daydreaming and dreaming, as well as memories and the personal unconscious. It also excludes "talking to oneself" that falls in the realm of clinical and cognitive psychology, and also telepathy and ESP communication between minds of embodied persons that fall under parapsychology.
Channelling mediumistic - Hypotheses on Channelling
One hypothesis of channelling is anyone can develop the ability to channell. The channeller raises their consciousness through meditation and the source being channelled lowers their vibration to connect with each other. The channeller makes a freewill choice to connect to the source. The source creates an energy corridor through the vibrations of the mass consciousness in order to not be distorted by the lower vibration of the planet. The source can be from the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh dimension. At higher vibrations beyond the seventh dimension it is hard for the source to lower their vibrational conscious to the level of the third dimension. The awareness, intent and enlightenment of the source varies on factors beyond the scope of the definition of channelling.
Another hypothesis of channelling is that the human minds are really part of some vast impersonal sea of mind (or energy) with which humans interact to give birth to further, seemingly separate minds or personalities (or energy systems) that are the "entities" being channeled. According to this hypothesis, everything is "us", a single creative source generating, sustaining, and merging the endless possible sub-entities or sub-personalities of itself — a blending of what once appeared as separate minds, entities and energies.
For some, this concept is less bizarre than the prospect that there are totally separate beings living outside the physical universe who are communicating with us. This is one of many related hypothesis that goes beyond the stereotype that it is always some independent entity that is communicating, that humans are each, a bounded and autonomous entity as well, albeit an incarnate one.
However, there is another point of view about the phenomenon: that channelling is pure nonsense, an entirely self-generated phenomenon which very often involves conscious and unconscious fakery. The claims of some channels have been found to be without merit. One must therefore keep in mind that this subject is fraught with possibilities of deception and misunderstanding.
Because of its subjective nature, channelling may be not easy to verify and is an inherently difficult phenomenon to research. The problems faced are similar to those faced by philosophers and theologians who are trying to understand mysticism and the mystical experience. Channeling, like mysticism, is a phenomenon that has been a part of human experience as far back as human records go.
Professor Marcello Truzzi, a sociologist at Eastern Michigan University who co-founded the "Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal" and the "Center for Scientific Anomalies Research", prefers to maintain what he calls "constructive skepticism" until someone comes forward with channel information that is evidential.
Spiritualism, Spiritual medium, Spiritual possession, Automatic writing, Automatic drawing
Channelling mediumistic - Books channelled texts entities and mediums
Channelling mediumistic - Books and channelled texts
Several notable books describe the entering of a trance state to allow the dead to speak through the medium or channel, or a spiritual guide to convey messages from other spirit men to listeners (see seance).

A New Day Is Dawning: Channelled text allegedly from Jesus, channelled by Diandra founder of www.inwardjourney.com

Ask and it is Given: Channelled text, allegedly from Abraham, channelled by Esther Hicks.
Conversations with God: Channelled text allegedly from God channelled by Neale Donald Walsch.

Opening to Channel: How to Connect with your Guide (1987) by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer describes how to channel a spirit guide.
The Coming of Seth (1966): Jane Roberts describes the beginnings of her experiences with speaking for Seth.

The Cosmic Tradition of Max and Alma Theon seems to be based in large part of Mme Theon's channelling ability
The Michael Teachings

The Indigo Children: Channelled text.
Toward the Light: Channelled text.
Channelling mediumistic - Entities and mediums
Seth entity, channelled by Jane Roberts.
Abraham group of entity, channelled by Esther Hicks.
Kryon: Channelled entity.
Matthew Ward: Channelled entity.
Oahspe: Channelled entity.
Brazilian psychic surgeons, such as José Arigó, claim to work as channels for deceased surgeons.
Salem entity, channelled by Diandra
Channelling mediumistic - Channelling in fiction
In fantasy literature, the term channelling is sometimes used in other ways, particularly to describe a person's ability to draw on some form of magical power. The Wheel of Time series, for example, uses the term extensively (although it is by no means the only work to do so).
See also
Related ideas:
Spiritual medium
Spiritual possession
Automatic writing
Automatic drawing
Sceptical criticism:
True-believer syndrome

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